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Use this list if you're looking for some new LGBTQ+ movies that are rated R. Movies on this list include American Beauty and Ed Wood and answers the questions 'What are the best R-Rated LGBTQ+ movies?' and 'What are the most famous R-Rated LGBTQ+ movies?'

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If you're trying to find a specific R-rated LGBTQ+ film you can search this list and filter to find what you're looking for. If you think the top R-rated LGBTQ+ movie isn't as high as it should be then be sure to vote it up so it can take its rightful place among the other great R-rated LGBTQ+ films on this list. This list of popular R-rated LGBTQ+ movies includes information like who directed the film, when it was released and which actors starred in the movie.

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This list takes the best R-rated LGBTQ+ movies and pits them against each other to see once and for all what the greatest R-rated LGBTQ+ movie of all time is. Here is a list of R-rated LGBTQ+ movies, ranked from best to worst by film fans just like you.

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